
AI unmasked: Have chatbots failed?

It is becoming increasingly popular to say that chatbots have failed and are overhyped.

While it is true that in many cases expectations from chatbots significantly exceed the results on the ground, the anticipation of chatbots’ demise are somewhat premature. 

One of the main problems for chatbots is that the market is inundated with low quality solution providers who deliver low quality results. This happened because conversational AI seems to have low entry barriers. Unlike other recent technological darlings such as space technology or renewable energy, conversational AI is purely software and therefore does not require vast sums of initial investment. 

What this approach is missing however,  is that conversational AI, in addition to being a software, also requires an accurate understanding of how language works. And there is a limited number of people in the world that do have such understanding.

When conversational AI is delivered by AI experts who understand the way human language works, the results are good and convincing, just as how you would expect them to be.

Suffering from unsatisfactory product quality is a common problem for many new and emerging industries.  The rules of the market dictate that most of the low quality players will eventually disappear. Poorly created chatbots will therefore not be around for too long.

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Travel Chatbots Update


These are early days for travel bots. They mostly specialize in customer service, customer information and sometimes online booking. Advanced AI technology is good and getting better by the day, but it does not replace a person. And that's unlikely to change for a while.

In order to create a positive and enjoyable experience it is imperative to have a clear understanding of what bots do well and what they don’t.

One area where they have clear advantage over humans is response speed. Using bots makes your travel business scalable. Bot can handle mutlple user conversations simultaneously and replies instantly.

The part of the bot technology that needs significant improvement is understanding of the meaning of what customer said. The solution is to take the user off the bot when this stage of the converastion is reached. One of the popular techniques is to redirect the user from bot to the website when the questions get complicated. The majority of users are at ease with website navigation where they find themselves in the familiar environment.

This approach allows to utilize the scalability of the chatbot while maintaining the high level of customer service.


The End of Digital Monitoring Paradigm


Digital industry is changing rapidly.

For the last decade analysis of social chatter and capture of consumer sentiment was considered the cutting edge of the marketing strategy.  In these early days of the new era of digital information businesses were told to listen to what market is saying about them. They were educated on the importance of media monitoring and the advantages it creates for strategic growth.

This picture has become outdated.

Listening to Big Data, in all its aspects and forms, is no longer enough. After you successfully listened and understood what customer said the next natural step would be to act, or respond. And so the digital domain is now spreading to include responses, with a host of innovative technological solutions reshaping the field rapidly.  Advances in artificial intelligence in particular create disruptive scalable opportunities in the space traditionally known for its slow manual progression.

Facebook was among the firstto enter the market, introducing bots into the process of connecting users with brands. Then there was Microsoft's turn.

Following these developments bots became the hottest trend in Silicon Valley in 2016.

nmodes fits seamlessly into this new world order. We deliver AI solutions that power business sales process. Our listening solution accurately monitors and captures real-time needs and interests of individual customers within the defined audience. And our Intelligent Assistant solution brings scalability to responses without compromising on quality.