
Tech world came to Toronto

In May 2019, the Collision Conference  took place in Toronto for the first time, and we couldn’t miss it! It was a great opportunity to meet amazing people, learn from great companies and showcase our own capabilities.

Attending the first day’s talks at the Collision center stage

AI solutions naturally attract attention

Lots of interest interest in our conversational AI

Interested in reading more? Check out our other blogs:

AI unmasked: How a chatbot is different from a voice bot

The main difference is in the linguistic complexity. 

People express themselves differently when they speak compared to when they type. When we speak we use more sentences and we make our sentences longer. 

As a result a voice bot needs to have better AI compared to a chatbot, in order to handle a conversation and deliver the same customer experience. 

If your business model allows it, is better to start with a chatbot and add a voice bot on top of it.

This way you can gradually increase the complexity of your AI without compromising on your customer experience. 


Volunteering during social distancing

nmodes is making an effort to assist you during this challenging time. Our team created this online community resource https://nmodes-coronavirus.web.app resource to help during COVID-19 self-isolation. It is powered by nmodes conversational AI.

In case you or your close ones are experiencing symptoms of COVID-19, our self-assessment tool could help to determine if further medical care is needed.

With the self-isolation assessment, you could measure whether your self-isolation procedures are appropriate or not. It is important to maintain self-isolation to protect yourself from getting infected.

If you wish to volunteer and contribute to the community our chatbot will connect you with people who need help. You can contribute either virtually and in-person.

Most importantly if you would like to get help the chatbot will connect you with a volunteer who could assist with your needs.

It is fast and easy - answer quick questions and you are all set. We have volunteers ready to help with all kinds of requests , from grocery shopping and home chores to online tutoring and sharing game time.