
Artificial Intelligence as a Service


There is a growing demand in the industry for Artificial Intelligence products, from simple chatbots to conversational ecommerce solutions to advanced intelligent systems.

And there is a growing number of AI companies offering such products.

One of the problems however is that AI products currently available on the market require technical sophistication on behalf of the user, such as familiarity with APIs, communication protocols, XML, etc.

nmodes aims to solve this problem. Our position is that the users do not need to be technically savvy to enjoy AI capabilities. We offer our AI solutions as a service, fully hosted, fully supported.

We do not ask for any technical knowledge from our customers. We only want them to tell us the details relevant to the business process they are looking to implement or support and we will take care of the rest.

In particular

1. We train AI to understand and support their own use cases.

2. We host the entire solution, without claiming the ownership of the data we process or use to train our AI.

3. We support all user interfaces ( UI ) required by our customers.

4. We connect to third-party APIs and integrate our AI with third-party components.

Artificial Intelligence as a Service ( AIasS ) that we offer makes new AI technology easier to use increasing its exposure to businesses and organizations worldwide.  


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Easy Yet Untapped Revenue Channel for Hotels Worldwide

There are many travelers looking for hotels and places to stay on social web. Every day.

Take Twitter, for example:


Or this:

People are genuinely looking for help. Surprisingly though only few are getting it. According to nmodes data less than 12% of Twitter travel  requests are being answered. The rest - lost opportunities for hotels and businesses in the hospitality industry.  

 And how big is this opportunity anyway?

nmodes Twitter data shows that every 15 min somebody expresses intent of going to, or visiting New York. Most of these travelers need a place to stay there.

Every 33 min - intent of traveling to London.

Every 54 min - intent of traveling to Paris.

We started Twitter recommendation service @nmodesHelps and were encouranged by the results. 72% of those that received our travel recommendations reacted by thanking us and expressing their gratitude. This reinforced our assumption that people seek travel advice on Twitter, accept it as an instant value, and are prepared to act upon it.

The hotels that are ready to move fast to monetize this opportunity will benefit the most.