
Reality of Bootstrapping

Going after investors? Do you know that less than 1 percent of startups actually raise VC (or angel) capital, which means that the vast majority are self-funded. Yet the main reason for it simply lies in the inability of most companies to find investors.

Bootstrapping, however, has several strategic advantages for your company's future growth. Perhaps the biggest is retaining the majority of shares and control over the strategy and direction your company is moving towards.

It also teaches financial discipline. Bootstrapping at the start helps to understand the importance of  revenue and cash flow, as opposed to unabridged product development, and keeps you connected to your company's financial reality. Only when profitability increase do you then green-light new opportunities, increased risk-taking, and growth acceleration.

In reality, the founders are expected to be flexible.  While entrepreneurs have certain intentions and philosophies when they are starting out, a hallmark trait for successful founders is the ability to adapt to changing environments and opportunities.

Sometimes, that means waiting a long time to generate the financial metrics that really matter, revenue and profit. By challenging your leadership team to focus on building the business organically and figuring out how to make the company consistently profitable on a model that can scale without VC capital, you make your company more valuable to future investors.

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Travel Chatbots Update


These are early days for travel bots. They mostly specialize in customer service, customer information and sometimes online booking. Advanced AI technology is good and getting better by the day, but it does not replace a person. And that's unlikely to change for a while.

In order to create a positive and enjoyable experience it is imperative to have a clear understanding of what bots do well and what they don’t.

One area where they have clear advantage over humans is response speed. Using bots makes your travel business scalable. Bot can handle mutlple user conversations simultaneously and replies instantly.

The part of the bot technology that needs significant improvement is understanding of the meaning of what customer said. The solution is to take the user off the bot when this stage of the converastion is reached. One of the popular techniques is to redirect the user from bot to the website when the questions get complicated. The majority of users are at ease with website navigation where they find themselves in the familiar environment.

This approach allows to utilize the scalability of the chatbot while maintaining the high level of customer service.


Volunteering during social distancing

nmodes is making an effort to assist you during this challenging time. Our team created this online community resource resource to help during COVID-19 self-isolation. It is powered by nmodes conversational AI.

In case you or your close ones are experiencing symptoms of COVID-19, our self-assessment tool could help to determine if further medical care is needed.

With the self-isolation assessment, you could measure whether your self-isolation procedures are appropriate or not. It is important to maintain self-isolation to protect yourself from getting infected.

If you wish to volunteer and contribute to the community our chatbot will connect you with people who need help. You can contribute either virtually and in-person.

Most importantly if you would like to get help the chatbot will connect you with a volunteer who could assist with your needs.

It is fast and easy - answer quick questions and you are all set. We have volunteers ready to help with all kinds of requests , from grocery shopping and home chores to online tutoring and sharing game time.