
nmodes Is Helping Businesses to Succeed


With the launch of the new dashboard nmodes is helping businesses to drive traffic and grow sales.

For example, One of our clients needed to increase traffic to their website while at the same time improve the conversion rate. In other words, they wanted to see more quality traffic.

The client made a concentrated effort on social media, however they were having difficulties in finding the target audience - traditional keywords search resulted in too much noise and did not produce desired outcome.

nmodes dashboard simplified this client’s engagement process. We created a dedicated stream that accurately addressed their targeted audience.  nmodes dashboard is actionable, so their engagement became easy. nmodes technology identifies potential customers accurately, and so their engagement became efficient.

As a result, the click thru rate rose up to 65%, traffic quality improved by 25%, and conversion increased to 6-8%

Another client relied heavily on mainstream dashboards (such as Hootsuite) These tools do not do a good job finding relevant conversations, in the process producing too much noise and forcing client’s community managers to spend long hours manually identifying these relevant conversations. The client manages multiple social account and this type of manual labour was impeding the business, both in terms of costs and efficiency.

nmodes produces highly accurate results in finding relevant conversations that do not require manual clean up. The client started using nmodes solution, and immediately freed a substantial amount of hours which enabled them to consecrate on servicing their customers and acquiring new ones.


Interested in reading more? Check out our other blogs:

AI unmasked: How is nmodes different

nmodes is the only platform offering businesses their own AI that represents their brand. Other platforms are one-size-fit-all solutions that make it difficult for businesses to let AI know their sales process, customers, product details. nmodes gives every company an AI assistant that knows their business and grows together with it. 

In addition, nmodes AI is laughingly easy to use - there is no need to be technically savvy because all communication happens in natural language. 

Also, nmodes platform offers data privacy better than any other AI solution. nmodes unique architecture makes us the only conversational AI company that does not own customers' data.  


Artificial Intelligence Chat Is Evolving Faster Than IVR


Although it doesn’t feel like all that long ago, way back in the 90s one of the most important factors to a call center’s success was the ability to route a customer to the right support agent with the IVR (Interactive Voice Response). Countless hours were spent identifying the most efficient call routing patterns and expert agent capabilities to ensure that your request reached the right person quickly. This technology is still widely used today and there are still teams in the largest companies programming IVR systems to accomplish pretty much the same goal.

As the standard for customer support evolved there have been many attempts to improve the function and the customer experience associated with IVRs to reduce hold times and provide more relevant support faster. Even today some companies will use their IVR system as a way to keep a customer on hold, rather than provide a solution, when agents are inundated with calls.

For those of us who’ve worked in the voice industry for some time, we’ve seen first-hand the attempts to accomplish a customer’s need before reaching an agent. First there was expert agent routing that delivered your call to the agent most qualified to help you. Then came advances in voice recognition, which today has evolved to be a very effective tool to increase containment rates and deflect calls from reaching a live agent. My two favorite examples of the power of voice recognition are Cox Communications and Capital One, two examples of great voice recognition and routing.

Our memory, however, is short. It wasn’t so long ago that we were all pulling our hair out punching digits into the phone or constantly repeating “agent”, “Agent”, “AGENT”, AGENT!!!!!”.

Whether it was a limit of computational power or the sheer cost of developing and implementing advanced call center technology, it took decades for phone systems to be able to front end the customer support process as efficiently as they do today. Thankfully we all survived to see it without boiling over from the hypertension usually associated with calling with a customer service department.

Bad customer experience is definitely not the case with Chat Artificial Intelligence (Chat AI). While we seem to hear about the shortcomings of Chat AI like the disconnected conversations and the robotic like responses, these experiences are usually the product of Chatbots with limited AI functionality or early stage deployments. The increases in both computational power and the massive advancements in machine learning are driving excellent customer experiences that improve over time.

When was the last time you heard of technology actually performing better, on its own, without a ton of additional development work or continuous updates? Well, that’s the case with Artificial Intelligence. Like a person, the more experience it has interacting with customers and information, the better it performs with little need to be manually improved or fine-tuned.

Today, AI Chat can be used to answer a large majority of customer requests and because Artificial Intelligence learns as it is used, customers prefer to interact through AI chat to avoid all of the frustrations commonly associated with calling a contact center agent.