
nmodes Technology - Overview


nmodes ability to accurately deliver relevant messages and conversations to businesses is based on its ability to understand these messages and conversations. Once a system understands a sentence or text, it can easily perform a necessary action, i.e. bring a sentence about buying a car to the car dealership, or a complaint about purchased furniture to the customer service department of the furniture company.

Understanding sentences is called semantics. nmodes has developed a strong semantic technology that stand out in a number of ways.

Here is how nmodes technology is different:

1. Low computational power. We don’t use methods and algorithms deployed by almost everyone else in this space. The algorithms we are using allow us to achieve high level of accuracy while significantly reducing the computational power. Most accurate semantic systems, e.g. Google’s, or IBM’s, rely on supercomputers. By comparison our computational requirements are modest to the extreme, yet we successfully compete with these powerhouses in terms accuracy and quality of results.

2. Private data sources. We work extensively with Twitter and other social networks, yet at the same time we process enterprise data.  Working with private data sources means system should know details specific only to this particular data source. For example, when if a system handles web self-service solution for online electronics store it learns the names, prices, and other details of all products available at this store.  

3. User driven solution. Our system learns from user’s input. Which makes it extremely flexible and as granular as needed. It supports both generic topics, for example car purchasing, and conversations concentrating on specific type of car, or a model.

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The Automation Is Coming


A close look at the history of humanity leaves us with no choice but to admit that the majority of jobs as we know them now will be transferred to automated systems. This is part of the technological and scientific progress our civilization is undertaking and it is irreversible.

Artificial intelligence became mainstream in 2016. For the first time artificial intelligence is not only available to big companies like Google, Amazon or Apple, but to the majority of businesses worldwide.  Startups have started building products and services using artificial intelligence en masse.

The essence of artificial intelligence is massive, intuitive computing power: machines so smart that they can learn and become even smarter.  The machines are becoming quicker and more nimble. They cover wider range of conversation topics. They now connect to robotic systems and online interactive systems. There is literally very little they cannot, or will not be able to, do as applied to industrial workforce.

With all the good that’s going to come with automation, we are suddenly faced with a new problem: the elimination of many low and middle class jobs. Many jobs that have already been severely impacted by computers (manufacturing, administrative support, retail, and transportation) will continue to diminish. In the nearest future routine-based jobs (telemarketing, sewing) and work that can be solved by smart algorithms (tax preparation, data entry keyers and insurance underwriters) are most likely to be eliminated.

What to do? It is fruitless to fight automation, we need to find ways to work with automation rather than against it.

The solution is to become more creative as species. Creativity is the natural advantage of humans over machines. Automation is about to change the course of the world, it’s going to be a great disruptor and impact the workforce like nothing we’ve seen before. We can sit around and gradually become obsolete, or accept the challenge and use the tool of creativity, which we are in unique possession of, to maintain our superiority.



Microsoft AI products


Microsoft product strategy has always been and still remains that of ‘zero alternative’. Their ultimate policy is for their customers to have no choice but to embrace only Microsoft products. Consequently they created and are offering products and solutions in (almost) every segment of IT enterprise and consumer market, including, but certainly not limited to, their own data base, their own cloud services, operating system, office tools, programming language, and many more.

Not only do Microsoft offer wide variety of products, they tie them up together in a unified ecosystem that makes it easy for components to connect and interact. At the same time, this ecosystem is hostile to non-Microsoft products.

Microsoft strategy for the burgeoning, fast growing AI segment is similar:

Create products to address all parts of the AI market, add them to the ecosystem to ensure easy compatibility from within and difficulty of use from outside.

Currently the products on offer are:

- Microsoft AI engine, called LUIS. It is supposed to compete with other major industrial AI systems such as IBM Watson, and has similar training methodology. It offers webhook interfacing via endpoints.  

- Microsoft chatbot building platform, called, surprisingly, Microsoft Bot Platform. It addresses the popular demand for easy chatbot design and provides seamless connectivity with main user interfaces, such as web interface, SMS, mobile, and messaging platforms.

- In addition Microsoft offers their own messaging platform in Skype.

The main advantage of  using Microsoft AI products is the built-in connectivity with user interfaces.

The main disadvantage is in their ‘zero alternative’ policy - once you’ve chosen a Microsoft product you are likely will be forced to choose only Microsoft products for the duration of your project.