
3 Reasons Why Knowing Intent is Essential for Your Business

What is intent? It is the reason behind the sentences we say. Behind posts and messages, as they appear on social networks. For instance, the intent of the tweet ‘I am going to buy a new car soon, my old car is entirely broken’  is buying a new car. The intent of this one however ‘ Need to buy me a car, got things to do lol’ could be anything from killing time by posting randomly to impressing friends, but not buying a car.  

During the time when most customer activities online happened on search engines (e.g. Google) understanding of intent was predominantly the task of these search engines.  So when I type ‘typical menu of Chinese restaurant’ and the search engine displays the list of local Chinese restaurants clearly in this case it did not understand my intent.

Nowadays, when an ever growing part of the consumer related activities is happening on social networks the task of understanding the customer intent becomes responsibility of a business.

Here are three reasons why this task is essential:

1. Marketing is personalized. Email blasts are a thing from the past. Today to stay completive your business should be able to target individually. And that means knowing what each of your potential customers needs in real time. The best way to know this is to understand customer intent. The numerous analytical and measurement tools available today exist only because until recently we didn’t know how to capture customer intent properly.

2. Knowing intent allows efficient and timely service across your company’s departments: those interested in the product belong to marketing department, purchase intent goes to sales, unhappy customers go to customer service, and so on.

3. Knowing intent offers long-term sustainability to your business because it reduces the noise. Unlike the previous generations, when the problem was a lack of information, today’s problem is the abundance of information. Business can function efficiently and be sustainable only when a competent model of finding the right information is in place. Understanding of intent is the best model available

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Scalable Yet Personalized

How to offer businesses and organizations a solution that personalizes and scales consumer interaction process at the same time?

Personalizing the user relationship process. Today end users and consumers demand to be targeted individually and to be approached based on their actual interests. nmodes AI (Artificial Intelligence) powered solution helps organizations accurately identify user needs in real time. Our solution delivers information on each user individually thus providing the necessary level of personalization required of the successful customer service.

Scaling the user relationship process: Once the organization identifies a user and a problem that needs to be addressed, next step is reaching out to that user individually. Currently this is a manual non-scalable procedure. nmodes AI (Artificial Intelligence) solution provides automated assistance to human personnel, including substitution when deemed appropriate, thus making the entire process scalable.

Today more than 90% of all organizations and businesses rely on solutions based on keywords, even though these solutions provide low quality results not sufficient for the new generation of personalized scalable services.

nmodes solution enables sustainable delivery of high quality results, with x5 costs reduction and up to 45% increase in conversation (engagement) capacity.



nmodes Introduces Arabic language support for Advanced AI Solutions

nmodes recently introduced new feature for our family of Advanced AI solutions – Arabic language support. 

nmodes provides conversational AI solutions to address the needs of customers around the world. We deliver chatbots, integrated AI solutions, omni-channel AI systems and more. Our solutions are professional, efficient, scalable. 

We believe this is the beginning in the marketplace for advanced conversational AI solutions that help improve and scale current sales and customer service business process. With Arabic support, we’re creating new opportunities for an important, fast-growing market segment.

Additional native language support is an integral part of our strategy of bringing a full spectrum solution to the AI market.  We continue to define new solutions, add new languages to enable businesses and organizations around the world more easily benefit from the advantages of  using solutions powered by advanced AI technology.