
NMODES at Collision 2019

While Toronto is charged with hosting the Collision - "North America's fastest-growing tech conference" this year, nmodes is excited to make its first appearance among designated start-ups who have been selected to demo their products to conference visitors, potential investors, tech-enthusiasts and business executives.

nmodes, a year and a half in the market, offers a conversational product that uses AI to provide its customers with a scalable solution to execute 24/7/365 marketing acquisition and customer experience programs. While nmodes has already garnered its global presence with 40+ clients, North American market continues to be most enterprising for AI Chatbots and Voicebots.   Collision Tech Event offers an exciting opportunity for nmodes team to take its networking game a notch higher and pitch it to businesses looking to catch-up with the AI space and be early adopters of hottest AI products available in the market.

How nmodes is different than other chatbots?

AI space is nothing new to the tech world as chatbots, virtual assistants and voice bots are finding their commercial contribution toward improving the customer experience of brands. nmodes continues to work closely with the businesses focusing on helping brands drive double digit growth in lead conversions and engagement rates.

Three key market differentiators for nmodes:

  1. 1. Interlacing marketing and customer experience

nmodes chatbots are custom built for the brands.  nmodes solutions support full customer lifecycle from lead generation to marketing campaigns to scheduling demos, to gathering feedback and understanding engagement patterns of existing customers.

  1. 2. Lifetime AI training

nmodes solutions promise to work with progressive AI capabilities that are built to recognize old and new communication patterns and form a sensible response template that is malleable and fulfills the intent of desired conversation for the customers.

Nmodes solutions work on three principles while conversing with the customers.

A) Keep business context

nmodes solutions remember the customer’s history and their presence in the sales cycle and hence conversations are based upon the context of customer for the brand.

B) Data personalization

personalization of conversations focuses on collecting different data points from all internal and external data sources, helping brands deliver tailored and one-on-one predictive interactions.

C) Easy to use analytics

nmodes advanced dashboards uncover detailed analytics and insights on customer conversion rates, engagement rates and listen upon most common conversations to help brands better align their marketing communications and customer experience strategies.

Interested in reading more? Check out our other blogs:

Microsoft AI products


Microsoft product strategy has always been and still remains that of ‘zero alternative’. Their ultimate policy is for their customers to have no choice but to embrace only Microsoft products. Consequently they created and are offering products and solutions in (almost) every segment of IT enterprise and consumer market, including, but certainly not limited to, their own data base, their own cloud services, operating system, office tools, programming language, and many more.

Not only do Microsoft offer wide variety of products, they tie them up together in a unified ecosystem that makes it easy for components to connect and interact. At the same time, this ecosystem is hostile to non-Microsoft products.

Microsoft strategy for the burgeoning, fast growing AI segment is similar:

Create products to address all parts of the AI market, add them to the ecosystem to ensure easy compatibility from within and difficulty of use from outside.

Currently the products on offer are:

- Microsoft AI engine, called LUIS. It is supposed to compete with other major industrial AI systems such as IBM Watson, and has similar training methodology. It offers webhook interfacing via endpoints.  

- Microsoft chatbot building platform, called, surprisingly, Microsoft Bot Platform. It addresses the popular demand for easy chatbot design and provides seamless connectivity with main user interfaces, such as web interface, SMS, mobile, and messaging platforms.

- In addition Microsoft offers their own messaging platform in Skype.

The main advantage of  using Microsoft AI products is the built-in connectivity with user interfaces.

The main disadvantage is in their ‘zero alternative’ policy - once you’ve chosen a Microsoft product you are likely will be forced to choose only Microsoft products for the duration of your project.



Lessons for Businesses from Brazil’s World Cup Disaster

1. Mental, or psychological, state of your team is important: you can put so much pressure on people before they crack. Brazil players didn’t become unqualified professionals overnight. They failed because they were overwhelmed by their country’s expectations, distorted sense of history, and the right to win considered divine. They were too emotionally charged, not in the proper state of mind to compete. So better keep calm, relaxed atmosphere in your team even before launch, or important deadline.

2. Manage customer expectations. Brazil were ramping them up unreasonably. Aggressive messages like the 6th[title] is coming, statements by their coach about two more steps to heaven massively backfired by creating an unhealthy emotional frenzy in the society, which in return influenced the players (see 1.)

3. Logic, organization is the key to successful execution. Germany are not a great team. But they are very well organized. They had a detailed game-plan where every team member knew his task and several different scenarios where prepared. They were able to adjust when the situation on the field changed to squeeze maximum advantage. Sounds simple? That’s because it is.